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Our star on the Photographic Expedition every year in November

Right whale ©Lia Barros for Slow & Steady Travel
Right whale jumping in Península Valdés

Today we are going to talk a little about these huge cetaceans that visit Península Valdés. Approximately 1,500 right whales arrive every year, internationally protected since 1935.

They begin to arrive in late May. The right whale season officially begins June 15th and ends on December 15th. In Puerto Madryn we can see them swimming in the Golfo Nuevo and in front of the beach. In El Doradillo beach the show is incredible, because on this beach the mothers go with their "ballenatos" (the youngers) to teach them everything they have to know. In Puerto Pirámides, the only place authorized to carry out sightings on board, we see them making all kinds of approaches, as they are very friendly and curious. On the Valdés peninsula, they can also swim calmly in the Golfo San Jorge, with the peace of mind of feeling safe.

We are grateful to have them so close and to be able to show them to our travelers. In our Photo Safari we do all kinds of sightings, by sea and by land, and it's always an incredible emotion, which brings us to tears and makes the cameras not stop working.

Don´t waste the opportunity to meet them in person!


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