Africa has some important requirements that must be taken into account before traveling

Vaccines in Africa
Our expeditions are made, for the time being, in two African countries: Kenya and Tanzania. Both request some mandatory vaccines and there are others that, although not required, are recommended.
For the time being, the requirement for the complete vaccination schedule for Covid 19 continues
Yellow fever
Typhoid fever
Hepatitis A and B
Triple Viral
ABOUT MALARIA: DO NOT TRAVEL WITHOUT TAKING PROPHYLAXIS. Despite the destination being safe, the risk of contracting malaria exists and it is essential to contact a doctor (if possible a travel specialist) requesting guidance on the preventive measures that must be taken before traveling (chemoprophylaxis) and also to indicate the ideal antimalarial to take on the trip.
DENGUE AND CHIKUNGUNYA (ZIKA): are also present, so we recommend the use of long sleeves and pants and excellent quality repellent.
There is a list of countries that must or must not apply for a visa to enter Kenya and Tanzania. If yours is the case, the visa can be requested electronically, which makes the procedure much easier. They cost approximately US$60 each, and normally the tourist visa is for 90 days. The registration links are: (Tanzania) and (Kenya)
Covid 19
Both countries require up-to-date vaccination or a certificate of exemption. Until recently they asked for tests before entering the country, however there may be last minute changes.